pictures from our sushi experience

Going to Japan and not trying sushi is like going to Korea
and not eating Kim Chi, so we had to try some.
Some of us dove right in a
little quicker than others trying things such as squid, eel, and tuna belly, of course
adding a little wasabi to fry the taste buds.

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Each plate of sushi came round and round on a conveyor belt. In all we counted about 30 different options.
Each plate cost 110 yen (about $1.05 CDN) This plate of octopus took a little bit of mental preparation to digest, but Chris managed to dive in.
Jill stuck to the more vegetarian options like this tomato and cucumber dish with rice underneath.
A nice shrimp option.
While this picture could confirm that Jill actually ate some raw fish, the writers at cannot confirm or deny whether this piece of tuna belly actually went into her mouth following the taking of the picture.
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